Coriander leaves are famously known as dhania leaves in India. Also known as Cilantro in some parts of India and most of the Western part of the world, dhania is a very common ingredient in most Indian cuisines. Coriander seeds and leaves are the main components used in Indian foods. That is one of the reasons why it makes absolute sense to grow coriander in your very own garden.

Another good reason to grow coriander is how fast it can actually grow and give yield. At a very early stage, unlike many other plants, coriander produces the same amount as some crops/spices in almost a fraction of their growth rates.
With all these benefits and applications in view, in this article by Elitech Drip, we’re going to take a look at how you can grow your very own coriander spices, in the comfort of your garden.
Note: As coriander plants cannot be transplanted, it is best if they are grown in containers like tubs or something large enough to grow them.
Growing Coriander from Seeds
Let’s start with the seeds. Now, the seed which is round in shape has mostly two seeds in it. These “seeds” although may be perceived as such, are, in actuality, a fruit. The fruit can be sown as a whole or even split if you want to increase the germination process. To plant them very well in optimum conditions, it is recommended you sow them in the ground. Some professionals also recommend putting on the slippers on your hands and immersing the seeds well into the ground. Make sure that you are gentle enough when you do this process, though, so that no harm is done to the seeds like crushing them to numerous bits.
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There is a common problem that arises with planting seeds carelessly, just sprinkling them on the ground like feeding pigeons. This results in a low-quality yield and lesser germination. To boost the germination process, you have to buy seeds that have a good certification of the products. Also, buy the seeds and check that they are all fresh and not just some picked out to be thrown away.
Planting The Coriander
The thing with coriander plants is that they are always directly sown in the groud. There is no other type of process to grow these delicacies. Firstly, a tray is taken and the seeds are assorted over it with a potting mix used at the half-inch top. After that is done, make rows so that you can plant the seeds in a row and split them accordingly, making the whole process easy to do. Water the plant thoroughly after this, and then wait – patience is key to healthy growth.
There are mostly two strategies in sowing this plant. If you are to sow this plant in a container that is smaller in size than the size you expect the plant to grow, make sure the seed is thin and if you are about to sow the plant in a large container then plant it on a thin place because these seeds are fast in germinating. It would be easy to get the plant to grow. It only takes around 5 -7 days for it to germinate.
After the germination of the plants is done, make sure to keep the still growing plant in a place where there is exposure to sunlight. And make sure to have them watered thoroughly as there is any number of leaves so that the water might be lost through the transpiration process. If you are planning to thin the plants, make sure that you weed them out using a knife so as to not cause harm to the position of the plants, as these plants are usually grown adjacent to each other.
It takes only 4 weeks for the plant to grow and have leaves flourish on its stems. If you are to grow coriander at home, the best watering techniques would be to supply water through the leaves at any point. Make sure you get to have an overview of the plant at all times so that the plant isn’t affected by the pests around it.
Coriander may also be subjected to bolting. Bolting is a biological process where the Coriander starts flowering to produce seed. This is actually done as a kind of survival mechanism when plant does not get proper nutrients, sunlight or water. Coriander plants, like most plants, try to avoid unwanted external circumstances to disturb their growth. Plants go into reproduction mode and produce seeds before death.

There are just a few things to keep in mind, and a few simple procedures you’ll have to follow to grow your very own coriander herbs at home.
Keep them at places where they are exposed to the sun at almost all times, with the temperature being anywhere between 17 to 27 degrees (Celcius).
Make sure you water the plant during dry spells so that the plant is not affected and grows to its optimum level. Note that the germination of the plant takes place only for a short period of around 3 to 4 weeks.
Grow Coriander Hydroponically
Care For Coriander Plant
Avoid transplanting the plant as much as possible, unless you most definitely have to, because this can cause bolting.
The key to growing a coriander plant is all about the watering rate and time.
To have a steady supply of coriander, you will have to plant patches every 2 to 3 weeks mainly during the growing season.
Root Rot Problem in Coriander
Coriander plants can suffer from root rot mostly because the roots tend to get wet easily. Hence a well-drained soil is a must to grow the plant in safe conditions. To avoid root rot, one of the things you could do is make sure to water the plant during the day and avoid watering at night as much as possible.
Harvesting Coriander
Coriander can be harvested when the plant has reached approximately a height of about six inches because the leaves become tender at such heights and also taste somewhat less bitter compared to when they are smaller. You can also harvest the seeds if the heads of those particular seeds are found to be brown in color. If you are to plant those seeds, make sure that you keep them in an airtight bag so that they get ready to ripen.
Benefits of Coriander
The leaves have many great vitamins and fibers and can be used mainly as an antiseptic and antioxidant.
Coriander plants have linoleic acid and cineole – components that are very good at maintaining blood levels. They are also anti-inflammatory.
The plant also makes sure that the whole body and its organ systems function very well, and act almost as soon as it is consumed.